Beauty is everywhere, but is it sometimes wrong?

The world is a beautiful place. If you look for it you can see beauty just about anywhere. Just on my bus ride home from work I’m fortunate enough to see boats on a river, a couple of lakes normally with a pair of swans gliding around them, some woodland, and lots of beautiful open farmland.

But what about the things that aren’t supposed to be beautiful?

The neon kebab shop lights twinkling through the rain-covered bus window, or reflecting on the wet roads. The graffiti on the wall. The rainbow on the oily patch of road. The leaves, fallen from trees and blocking street drains, that float down the road on their private little rivers.

They shouldn’t be beautiful but most definitely are. It’s those tiny glimpses of beauty among the mundane that really make me smile. It’s almost as if the world is trying hard to make the best of itself, shining through adversity.

The other type of beauty I see a lot of is engineered. I’m talking about village churches that are lit from the ground, revealing the spire in all its ghostly splendour. They’re quite a sight to behold but I can’t help but think of the damage that is being done. Running cables everywhere, putting in concrete bases for the lights to fix to, not to mention the energy being used to power the lights.

There’s beauty everywhere if you want to see it – you shouldn’t need floodlights to point it out to you. Just take a moment to stop and look around. I think you’ll be surprised.